
Top Web Development Trends for 2022 and Beyond

According to Cloudflare’s DDoS attack Trends for Q3 2021, Internet companies, computer software, and Gaming/Gambling sector have shown an immense increase of 573% in cybercrimes. With PWAs, websites can offer many of the same features as mobile apps such as push notifications, offline access and device hardware integration. PWAs must also reference a web app manifest that contains a name or short_name, start_url, display and icons. The display may have a value of “standalone,” “fullscreen” or “minimal-ui,” while the icons must have 192 and 512 pixel (px) versions. Manifests allow a URL to share PWAs, making them easy to install and discoverable by search engines.

  • Progressive web apps come with comprehensive functionalities of websites, database access, and automatic data.
  • The most recent survey was of 12,147 U.S. adults from July 18 to Aug. 21, 2022.
  • The Web App Manifest file is a JSON file that contains information about the application itself.
  • From all the manifest files analyzed, only 2.3% on desktop and 2.0% on mobile manifests set this property.
  • Let’s overview some flaws to consider when choosing what kind of mobile app to launch.

Also, app owners will have to pay a certain fee to either Google or iOS if the app is paid or has in-app purchases and this is something to keep in mind too. Advances in APIs, web storage, and WebAssembly (WAsm) are bringing PWA Technologies closer to their ultimate goal—a native app experience on any device or operating Who is a UX Engineer system using a single code baseline. Moreover, today most business has their own app to engage the users and provide a more personalized experience. But again, the adaptability of an app depends on the device it is run on, which comes to the need for developing apps compatible with both Android & iOS Operating System.


While herd size remains much larger in modern states than traditional ones, dairy farm consolidation in traditional states has shrunk the gap slightly over time. Figure 4 also focuses on Research Project Grants and shows trends in funding over time. Funding for both basic and applied research decline until FY 2013, and the rates have increased since. Funding for applied research have generally been higher than basic since FY 2014.

pwa trends 2022

There is a property in the manifest that specifies if applications listed in the related_applications field should be preferred over the web application. This might make the user agent suggest the installation of the related app instead of the web app. From all the manifest files analyzed, only 2.3% on desktop and 2.0% on mobile manifests set this property. Cutting edge work to enable Widgets based on PWA technology is also being rooted in the manifest, proving the versatility of the file itself for advanced platform integration even further. The service worker needs to be active in order to receive events like fetch and push. This makes them the cornerstone of service workers, and hence the 63% usage on desktop and 61% on mobile for install, and the same for activate.


While there are some drawbacks of PWAs, these are minimal and mostly outweighed by their benefits. The biggest restriction for PWAs is their limited support on iOS, which obviously comprises a significant portion of the mobile app market share. There is some support, however, and Apple’s changing stance on PWA in the past shows that they are willing to evolve with it. In addition to this, in 2020 the WebKit, Safari’s engine announced that they are not going to support many of the APIs that give access to the native functionality. Examples of such unsupported features are Web Bluetooth, Web MIDI API, Magnetometer API, Web NFC API among others. They say it’s for privacy reasons, but this hinders the evolution of PWAs on iOS.

Its gross bookings were 3,188.9 million dollars in fiscal year 2022, up from 1,635.4 million dollars in fiscal year 2021. Customers can use the app to look at menus with nutrition details and accurately customize their food and drink orders without needing to connect to the internet. Progressive Web Apps appear to have a promising future as it is backed by Google. You can add new features to your Progressive Web App as more web browsers become functional with everything PWAs have to introduce. This implies you can skip the Play Store/App Store review process, allowing your app to go live faster. Users are not required to install a PWA from the Google Play or Apple App Store.

The Focus on Mobile Devices

Their popularity is a solid proof of the efficiency and the bright future of PWA apps. Hence, the various web trends mentioned in the article can be seen in the year of 2022, from AI Chatbots to dark modes to serverless connections. Lastly, another web trend that will see a rise in 2022 is serverless architecture. Consumers don’t want to be worried about constantly connecting their devices to servers. The invention of cryptocurrencies has brought to the forefront the use of blockchain technology.

pwa trends 2022

However, as PWAs are browser-based, they have higher latency and energy usage than native apps. Progressive web apps (PWAs) are a relatively new type of application that uses modern web technology to bring traditional app-like experiences to users. PWAs allow users to interact with websites in similar ways that they can interact with apps, making it so websites feel more like native applications. Only a small percentage of websites—0.8% on both desktop and mobile—implement both service worker and manifest files, which means less than 1% of websites can be installed on devices like traditional apps. While there isn’t parity between major browsers when it comes to service worker feature support, Webkit adding support for push notifications was a huge milestone.

YouTube’s PWA journey⁠

If you want to create a media platform free of censorship, exorbitant service fees and commissions, and excessive advertising, a progressive web app is the right approach. Progressive Web Apps can perform offline, but they can be used even if the connectivity is poor. A PWA loads data from the cache instantly and runs smoothly on both 2G and 3G networks. Progressive Web Apps are intended to function even when not connected to the internet. This improves the user experience even when there is no internet connection.

pwa trends 2022

While the imprecise definition of PWA makes it difficult to track an exact market share, estimates based on Chrome web statistics put the current number of PWA-like page loads at about 19%. Although it provides basic support for the PWAs, not all features are included. Safari does not support push notifications, so the user should install the app manually in order to add it to the home screen. Ultimately using PWA design in an application is for those who want to get an app in the hands of users quickly and affordably. This design is great for early-stage startups with limited funds who want to get an MVP app to market as soon as possible. But any company wishing to take advantage of an evolving trend in modern app development will also see similar benefits from PWA.

Top Web Development Trends for 2022 and Beyond

Developers have the chance to onboard the users into notifications before they show the browser permissions dialog by sharing the advantages the users will get your specific notifications. For this chapter we are mostly interested in sites that have both a service worker and a manifest so–unless otherwise noted—the manifest data present in this chapter are for PWA sites. For most cases—95% in desktop and 94% in mobile—the manifests we found are JSON parsable. This indicates that almost all web apps that use the manifest are correctly formed. Encora is a digital engineering services company specializing in next-generation software and digital product development.

If we follow the reasoning from last year—where we postulated that bigger websites adopted the advanced technologies faster—then seeing more growth in other categories makes sense. It would seem smaller companies and developers have learned and adopted the technology shared from case studies and examples from the companies with more traffic. Introduced by Google in 2015, Progressive Web applications (PWAs) are web application that runs on a browser without the need to be installed. They can be explored from small screens of phones to desktop screens, as they have icon settings right as per your screen size.

What are some of the emerging technologies that will impact web apps in 2023?

With this, the customer now has an easy-loading web app with a native-like experience. India’s most reliable eCommerce site struggled to provide a faster and better engaging user experience. As a solution, the company decided to launch Flipkart Lite a PWA that integrates web and native Flipkart app features. The fascinating increase in the global use of mobile devices and mobile apps spurs the industry boosting. Figure 5 shows the rate of average herd size growth diverging between the two regions since 2014. Traditional dairy states have almost tripled their average herd size in twenty years while modern dairy state herd size is a little over double what it was in 2003.

These are just web apps that are wrapped in a native container, which has access to various platform APIs through a set of native plugins. Despite the huge list of available plugins, you might need something custom and will have to implement it on your own, again with the help of Android and iOS developers. Progressive web applications are not a new technology in the web development world. But in 2022 and beyond, PWA is surely going to be the most persistent trend.

Accelerated Mobile Pages

Read this piece to learn about the latest progressive web app trends and the future of PWAs. These Chatbots are going to become more developed in 2022 and will continue to develop in the coming years. An AI-powered Chatbot helps meet its users’ requirements by matching their behaviors with the machine’s operation. When companies use AI Chatbots, they are providing their users with a smooth working experience.

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